
Pancakes with maple syrup and blueberries - vegan

Versiunea in limba romana: Clatite cu sirop de artar si afine - vegane/de post
I started searching for the perfect vegan pancakes. The first try had really tasty pancakes as a result, but not really photo stuff, a little too sticky and difficult to keep their shape. The second recipe I tried recommended to use a lot of bubbly water, but the taste was not what I expected and they were to sticky to even try a second bite. The third try is the one in the picture. A success with the kids, a beautiful shape, easy to prepare and tasty. We loved to serve it with maple syrup and blueberries, but I'm sure some vegan chocolate cream would also be perfect. This is a recipe I found on vegan yum yum and I adapted it just a little.
The search for the perfect vegan pancake continues. I'll keep you posted. Have a beautiful winter day!

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400 - 440 ml soy milk
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp oil
160 g all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla essence
finely grated zest of one orange

Mix well all ingredients, including any solids that might get stack on the bottom of the bowl. Use the batter right away or refrigerate it to use it in the morning. If over night it becomes too sticky, mix it with a little water until you obtain the consistency you like. Heat a non stick pan, then pour one tablespoon of batter for each pancake. Once you see bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake, turn it; once it becomes golden, remove it from the pan. Stack the pancakes high, like a castle, in oder to keep it warm. Serve immediately with mapple syrup and blueberries. 

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