Versiunea in limba romana: inghetata de matcha/ceai verde
What is Matcha?
A premium Japanese green tea, from the region of Uji Tawara. This region assures the perfect environment for the matcha plants: fog, hills, temperature etc. It is used in the tea ceremony, but also for cakes and shakes. It is said to be the heart of the Japanese tea ritual for centuries. Uji Tawara area is well known for it's famous teas: shincha, gyokuro and sencha.Advantages
♥ a cup of matcha equals 10 cups of green tea (nutritional value) ♥ rich in antioxidants, fibers and chlorophyll ♥ no sugar ♥ contains L-teanine, a relaxing amino acid ♥ contains caffeine, as any green tea ♥ while drinking matcha, we also consume the plant's leaves, not just an infusion. Matcha releases 4-6 hours of "calm" energy in our body.How is it produced?
Just a few days before the spring harvest, farmers cover the plants with bamboo sheets, reducing the sun reaching the plant. This process is increasing the level of chlorophyll in the leaves. These become dark green, the distinct matcha color. After the harvest, leaves are boiled in vapors and air dried. Later these are sorted and rough parts removed: tencha. Tencha becomes matcha after grinding. Matcha produced from very young leaves has the most intense color and finest texture.
Type of Matcha
Kama Matcha: Koicha (thick): the richest in amino - acid, complex taste, strong flavor; made of more than 30 years old plants. Morning Matcha: Usucha (thin): recommended for beginers; produced from plants younger than 30 years.Gotcha Matcha: perfect for cakes, smoothies, latte, sauces, etc.
During the tea ritual, Koicha is boiled in less water than Usucha, as Koicha has a softer and sweeter taste.
Why matcha is more expensive than other green teas?
- Japan is a small country; they export only 1 % of the tea production, the rest is for intern consumption;- the fabrication process is special; a good quality matcha is almost entirely produced manually;
- time between 2 harvesting is long
- a normal grinding stone makes only 40 grams of matcha per hour.
Info souces: si
Green tea ice cream
I tried matcha ice cream in Japanese restaurants and I just loved it. I knew that David Lebovitz's recipe would be fail proof. No disappointment :). I was so anxious to try it with my freshly bought matcha. Delightful!250 ml whole fat milk + 150 g sugar + a little salt
500 ml cream + 4 tbsp matcha
6 egg yolks
Slowly heat the milk, sugar and salt, until sugar disolves and milk is warm. Do not boil. In another bowl mix cream and matcha powder. In another bowl mix egg yolks, pour the warm milk over it, mixing continuously, then pour it right back in the pan, mixing with a silicone spatula, until it thickens. Sieve the eggyolk mixture, and pour it over the matcha & cream. Mix well, until you get a homogenous cream. Cool it over ice and refrigerate it. Prepare it in the ice cream machine, according to producers instructions.
So refreshing...